delete wooplus account

How to Delete Your Wooplus Account Permanently in 2023

Do you want to delete your Wooplus account permanently? If yes, then you just have come to the right place. Wooplus is a popular dating platform that provides a dating option ‘Free of body shaming’. However, if you have an account on this platform, and for any reason, you want to delete your account, then it could be a problem for you to find the right way to do that. But no more!

Because we have described the step-by-step guide to deleting your Wooplus account easily from the Wooplus app on your Android or iOS smartphone. So, if you want to move away from this platform, and remove all your information from Wooplus, then you can just follow the guide below. We have provided a comprehensive guide to delete Wooplus account easily. You can also read about deleting your Mega account.

About Wooplus

Wooplus is a popular dating app made for ‘Plus size users’. Users can use this platform and find their partners. The reason why Wooplus is popular is that it’s a body-shaming-free dating platform. Starting in 2015, Wooplus has been popular over time and has 7 million+ users as of 2022.

Wooplus app is officially available for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. So, you can just download the app on your device, and create an account in it. Then, you can start finding your match on this dating platform. However, if you don’t like using it, below, we have described how you can delete your Wooplus account easily.

Can You Delete Your Wooplus Account Permanently?

Users, who are using Wooplus on their devices, might think if they can even delete their accounts from this platform or not. If you have the same question, then let me give you an answer to the question.

Yes, it is possible to close your Wooplus account. And the best part is, you can do that directly from the Wooplus app on your device. So, you don’t have to contact their support team to delete your account. You can do that from the Wooplus app itself. Below, we have described the process to do that. So, you can follow the process to delete your account.

Why Delete Wooplus Account?

There could be several reasons why you might want to delete your account on this platform. Below, we have described some common reasons why you might want to delete your account.

  • If you have used Wooplus, but don’t like it’s features, and you want to move to another dating platform, then this could be a reason why you might want to close your account.
  • If you don’t want to use any dating app on your device, then you can choose to delete your account from this platform. This could be another reason why you might want to delete your account.
  • If you have privacy issues, and don’t feel that your data is safe with Wooplus, then you can choose to delete your account. This could be another reason why you might choose to delete your account from this platform.

No matter what the reason is, you can just follow the steps below, and delete your account without any issues.

How to Delete Your Wooplus Account?

To delete your account on this platform, you should have access to your account. Also, you should have the Wooplus app installed on your device.

Note: When you delete your account, all your data will be gone from this platform. So, you won’t get access to your data when you choose to delete your account. This includes all your chat, pictures, and matches. So, make sure you have taken a backup of your data if you need any.

  1. First of all, open the Wooplus app on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Sign-in using your username and password.
  3. Then, click on your profile picture icon from the left corner.
  4. Scroll down, and go to the ‘Help & feedback’ option from there.
  5. Now, scroll down, and you’ll get the ‘How can I delete my account’ option, click on it.
  6. From there, choose the ‘Delete account’ option.
  7. Then, choose the reason why you want to delete your account.
  8. Just confirm the process and click on the ‘Delete’ option from there.

That’s it. It’ll delete your account from the platform. Now, you won’t be able to access your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Can I delete the Wooplus account without password?

If you are logged-in to your Wooplus account, then you don’t need any account password to delete your account. However, if you are not logged-in, then you’ll need your Wooplus account password to sign-in to your account. If you don’t remember the password, then you can reset the password, and then proceed to delete your account.

Is Wooplus genuine?

Wooplus has mostly positive reviews on the Internet. Also, this platform has received several awards over the years. So, we can say that it is a genuine dating platform. However, if you have a bad experience with this platform, just follow the above guide to delete your account easily.

Can You hide your Wooplus account?

If you want to hide your Wooplus account or deactivate it temporarily, then you just need to log-out from the platform. Logging out will hide your account temporarily and other users won’t be able to view your profile.


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